Campground Etiquette

Camping is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors, but it is important to be respectful of your fellow campers and the environment. Our goal is that each of our guests have a memorable experience at Meadows of Dan Campground, so whether you’re a seasoned camper, or this is your first time sleeping in the great outdoors, we’ve put together a few of the easiest ways you can Be a Good Camper.

“Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Leave No Trace

Pack out what you pack in and dispose of your waste and trash properly. Each of our campsites comes with a trashcan with lid, so please dispose of your garbage, food scraps and pet’s waste appropriately. Also, please don’t burn your trash in the firepits. A good rule of thumb is to follow the 7 Leave No Trace Principals.

  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
  3. Dispose of Waste Properly
  4. Leave What You Find
  5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
  6. Respect Wildlife
  7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Quiet Hours

We know, you’re on vacation and you might want to stay up a bit later than at home. Our quiet hours are from 10pm – 8am and we ask during this time that you be sure to keep your noise level down. This means no loud music, generators, or talking late into the night.

Follow the Rules

Each campground has its own set of rules, so be sure to read them before you arrive. This includes things like fire restrictions, pet policies, and speed limits.

Don’t Feed the Wildlife

Ok, well maybe you won’t see a lot of bears, but a good rule of thumb is not to feed any animal and don’t leave food out where they can get to it. Leaving food out can attract everything from rodents to birds and larger animals and make them used to humans or aggressive.

Keep Your Pets Safe

Camping with your dog is a perfect way to get them some fresh air and exercise but you always want to make sure you: clean up after them; do not leave your dog unattended at your campsite; always have your dog on a leash and keep barking to a minimum.

“Most importantly, have fun! Camping is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors. So, relax, have fun, and make some memories!”